Saturday, December 5, 2015

Top Albums of 2015: 21) Caspian-"Dust & Disquiet"

My high school and college years were centered in the art of writing incredibly long essays almost every night. I suppose that is the price one must pay for taking AP English and eventually pursuing a writing degree. During these troubling times, I would need some sort of background music to put me in the right mood but most music proved to be distracting. 

Post Rock acts such as Explosions in the Sky or Mogwai always proved to be perfect for such occasions. A productive mindset was almost always born from listening to long, drawn out, instrumentally driven pieces. 

I would have been incapable of focusing on any homework if I had access Caspian’s latest LP Dust and Disquiet back then. From start to finish there is so much going on that by the time the album concludes, there is nothing left to be desired. The atmosphere and landscapes this album will paint in your brain are limitless.  

To pigeonhole Caspian as a Post Rock band is unfair for the hardworking sextet. The band successfully has implanted elements of jazz, metal, electronic, folk and many other genres throughout their twelve years of existence. To utilize minimal vocals and yet have the passion and emotion come across so clearly is one of the many aspects that make Caspian far more than just a post rock band.

Dust and Disquiet is a masterpiece that should I highly recommend listening to from start to finish. Don’t allow it to be the background music while you chip away at an English essay. Sit down, listen to it, and get lost in it. 

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